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FileMetaData class

Metadata for a File on the FileSystem.

public class FileMetaData : IFileMetaData

Public Members

name description
FileMetaData() Create a new FileData object
FileMetaData(…) Generate file meta data from a file on the filesystem (5 constructors)
AbsolutePath { get; } Gets the absolute complete path of the File from the FileSystem.
CreatedTime { get; } Gets the Time of creation of the file.
Exists { get; } Indicates whether the File Exists on the FileSystem.
FileName { get; } Get the name of the file from FileSystem.
FileType { get; } Get the type of the file.
LastAccessTime { get; } Gets the time when the File was last accessed.
LastModifiedTime { get; } Gets the Time when the file was last modified.
RawFileSize { get; } Raw File Size in Bytes.
Root { get; } Get the path of the Root Directory for File Storage.
GetFileSize(…) File Size in a desired Unit.
GetStream(…) Gets the data from file in the form of a Stream.
RefreshFileInfo() Refreshes the file information from the storage.

See Also