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FileService.Update method (1 of 2)

Update an already existing File and Get the file from the FileSystem synchronously

public IFileMetaData Update(string fileName, string fileType, byte[] bytes, 
    bool throwOnException = true, bool throwOnNotFound = true)
parameter description
fileName Name of the file
fileType The Type of the file
bytes Data to be written into the file
throwOnException Indicates whether an Exception should be thrown upon errors. Default:true
throwOnNotFound Indicates whether an Exeption should be thrown if the file is not found.Default:true

Return Value


See Also

FileService.Update method (2 of 2)

Update an already existing File and Get the file from the FileSystem synchronously

public IFileMetaData Update(string fileName, string fileType, Stream stream, 
    bool throwOnException = true, bool throwOnNotFound = true)
parameter description
fileName Name of the file
fileType The Type of the file
stream Data to be written into the file
throwOnException Indicates whether an Exception should be thrown upon errors. Default:true
throwOnNotFound Indicates whether an Exeption should be thrown if the file is not found.Default:true

Return Value


See Also